18 ene 2019
Las lágrimas de Shiva
Miguel Ángel Aragonés (3º ESO A) recomienda el libro:
Last week I read a very interesting and
entertaining book called “Las Lágrimas de Shiva”, in the subject of Reading.
It’s a teen adventure book by the Spanish author César Mallorquí. He published
it in 2005. Its publishing house is Edebé. The main characters are Javier,
Violet and Beatríz. Other secondary characters could be the Javier’s cousins
(they’re Rose, Daisy and Lily) and their aunt and uncle (their names are Luis
and Adela).
The setting is in the Francoist Spain and the
plot is set exactly in 1969. The book is about a teenage boy called Javier,
that saw a ghost, the year of the man’s arrival to the Moon. It’s developed in
the capital of Spain, Madrid, and the city of Santander. All these strange events started due to the mystery of a valuable lost necklace.
Javiers’s grandparents obligated him to stay the summer holidays in his uncle’s rural house, accompanied by her four daughters. First, he was alone with his other family, however, he was starting to make a new friendship, with Violet. Next, he started noticing the presence of something phantasmagoric...
Personally, I think this is a brilliant, original and unpredictable book. I
have learned a lot of things with this book and I recommend it to everyone.
Everybody should read it!!
By Miguel
Ángel Aragonés de Miguel, 3º ESO A
8 ene 2019
Novedades literarias
Encontrarás los libros divulgativos de Clara Grima (¡Que las Matemáticas te acompañen!) y Yuval Noah Harari (Sapiens); relatos con sabor clásico de Irene Reyes-Noguerol (De Homero y otros dioses) y menos clásico como los de Marina Otero en Solo los amantes sobreviven; lo último de narrativa histórica escrito por Antonio Pérez Henares, Fco. Narla, Santiago Posteguillo y Carmen Posadas; las novelas negras de Fiona Barton (La madre), Fred Vargas (Cuando sale la reclusa), Kate Morton (La hija del relojero), Eva G.ª Sáenz de Urtuti (Los señores del tiempo) y Stephen King (El visitante); la novela de amor de Isaac Rosa (Feliz final) o la de la francesa Katherine Pancol sobre mujeres contemporáneas; clásicos de la novela gráfica (Persépolis y Maus); títulos juveniles como Wonder y otros de Laura Gallego o Ruiz Zafón; libros de coeducación e igualdad de género y la poesía, entre otros, de J. M.ª Jurado, el tomareño Francisco Barrera, Irene X y Rosario Pérez Cabaña, quien nos visitó en nuestra Feria del Libro.
¡Feliz año, felices lecturas!